Neelma Pyfrom Life Coach/Life Strategist at Living Lotus Life Coaching Neelma Pyfrom is a Life Strategist at Living Lotus Life Coaching. She works with her clients to support them with their goals. She addresses issues like parent/child conflict, time management, anxiety and depression. She is a confidence, spirituality, and LGBTQ coach as well. Website: […]
How to fight the “what-if” and worst-case scenarios
This past week, my husband had a bit of a medical situation. 8 days ago, he came home complaining of some digestive issues. His stomach was a bit upset and he was having trouble going to the restroom. I played it off that he’s a man child and his pain tolerance is next to nothing. […]
Life is unexpected
I am currently wearing knee brace that keeps my leg from bending. Last week my ankle gave out on me and I fell, twisting both my knee and my ankle. I have had several falls and near falls with this ankle so the process of putting on the walking boot, eventually switching to the lace […]
Why “Should” should be a dirty word to therapists
I “should” be a better mother/person/wife/friend. I “should” eat more vegetable. My husband “should” wash my car every week. My kids “should” get better grades/always have clean clothes/sleep through the night. I “should” have a hot 4 course dinner ready for the family every night at 6pm. I “should” spend the holidays with family. Should, […]