In-Person Counseling
Online Counseling
Psychological Assessments
At Sweetgrass Counseling, our goal is to offer different types of counseling to fit the different schedules, comfort levels and needs of women in South Carolina. We offer one-on-one in-office counseling, one-on-one online sessions and support group counseling. One-on-one in-office counseling is a valuable approach for any woman feeling anxious or depressed, it’s an intimate experience to sit together, share and spark positive change. Telehealth online sessions are an incredible tool for women on the go, with limited availability or not within driving distance. Support group counseling is a collaborative method of therapy for newcomers or women empowered by communicating with a like-minded group. Regardless of the way that you choose to work with Sweetgrass Counseling, it is our mission to be a supportive, motivational, and compassionate resource for you.
Our Specialties
Pregnancy can be a rollercoaster of emotions. Your body is changing, your hormones are out of whack and you have the new responsibility of caring for a baby growing inside of you. The physical, emotional and financial burdens of pregnancy may feel overwhelming. Collaborate with our counselor to find ways to ease your anxiety and make an attainable plan for your family’s future. Sweetgrass Counseling wants to help you embrace these nine months of pregnancy and focus on the positive that’s to come.

Difficulties becoming pregnant can lead to feelings of anxiety, guilt and anger. Struggles with infertility not only affect your self-esteem and outlook on life but also your relationships with others. Differing recommendations from family, friends and medical professionals can seem overwhelming and distressing. Our fertility counseling can help you sort through different options and cope with the stress you are experiencing. Relieve yourself of feelings of judgment and inadequacy and take control of your infertility journey with the help of our team. Contact Amy if you are interested in third party evaluations for gestational carriers, egg donors, and/or intended parents
Grief and Bereavement
Losing a child is something unimaginable. It feels unnatural, unfair and frightening. Though friends and family may want to rally around you, it can be difficult to connect and relate after experiencing such trauma. Social isolation and anger are natural reactions to the loss of an infant or having a stillborn baby. It is important to find a counselor who specializes in bereavement or a support group of women who experienced a similar loss. Sweetgrass Counseling can support you through the process of mourning, honoring and finding a new normal in your post-loss life.

The grief of a miscarriage is an incomparable loss that many people in your life may not understand. Sometimes a taboo subject, mothers who miscarry can feel a range of emotions from guilt to sadness and may not feel comfortable sharing their pain with loved ones. Sweetgrass Counseling offers a non-judgmental, empathetic and safe space for you to process your grief, heal and move forward with support after having a miscarriage.
New Moms
A rush of changes occur that affect hormones, sleep, relationships, and self-esteem that may leave you feeling emotional after giving birth. At the beginning of motherhood, there are many exciting “firsts” but the change of schedule and added responsibilities can also feel overwhelming. This major life change alters more than we may expect and therapy for new moms is a way to receive the support and guidance you need during this emotional time. Work with Sweetgrass Counseling to embrace this transition period and learn to be present as you begin this new adventure.

Postpartum Depression & Anxiety
The birth of a child is often portrayed as the most joyful and exciting time in a mother’s life. The reality, though, is that 1 in 7 mothers will experience postpartum depression or anxiety. Symptoms of postpartum depression and anxiety can vary in severity and PPD can occur after birth at different phases. The wellness and happiness of your child depends on the stability and health of you as a mother. If you feel like this goes beyond the baby blues, invest in professional help and take the steps to feel better. We are here to help you work through these confusing and difficult emotions and provide you with coping mechanisms that can be implemented to help you get back to your best self.
Returning To Work After Baby
Returning to work after finding a new “normal” with your baby can seem daunting. The adjustment to a new daily schedule and the struggle to find a work/life balance can be uncomfortable and feel unnatural. In the forefront of your mind, you may feel uneasy about entrusting your child to a caretaker while you try to readapt to the workplace. We are here to help ease the transition of returning to work and empower women to find a healthy balance between your role at work and your role as a mom. Whether spending time with our therapist in-office or online, it is important to find time for yourself so that you have the energy to take care of others.

Don’t see a specialty that you fit into or know exactly what you are feeling? Contact us for a free consultation to find out if we are a good fit