Self Care and Professional Support
It is important during this time to take care of yourself. This can seem difficult considering how tired you may be feeling. Taking care of yourself can include: talking with your support people on how to get solid sleep, eating regular meals, resting when possible, talk to someone you trust, get out of the house for a daily walk, ask for help from your partner or other support people, allow others to help you and most importantly be kind to yourself.
There are many forms of healing. Other help can come from acupuncture, massage, yoga, walking, support groups and rest.
Not one thing alone will fix the problem. Talk with a professional who is trained in pregnancy and postpartum mood disorders to help with a treatment plan.
For moderate to severe symptoms, it is important to get in touch with a care provider who is experienced and knowledgeable about treating pregnancy and postpartum mood disorders. If left untreated, the symptoms can worsen and last for years causing undo pain and suffering. Perinatal and postpartum mood disorders are very responsive to treatment through therapy and, if needed, medication.