Real Mom Talk with Naomi, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant IBCLC
Naomi Hambleton is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant or IBCLC
She provides information to parents that they and their baby have more answers than they give themselves credit for, that each plan needs to be individually based and that they love and enjoy each other too. She has a lot of discussions on safe sleep, milestones, growth and milk supply questions. I specialize in sensory challenges and really focusing on partnering with parents so they can really have ownership in their feeding and caring plans.
Naomi’s Recommendations: La Leche League is a free volunteer program for parent to parent support. WIC Women Infants and Children has resources for IBCLC, CLC and pump support, The Shifa Clinic in Mount Pleasant for underserved families and Baby Net for early intervention support for those who may need occupational or physical therapy or other early interventions.